HRAL Company Description
HearAtLast offers a simple and affordable new approach to hearing assessments and hearing aid dispensing. Our product line focuses on the latest in hearing devices and our Neuro-Compensator hearing aid; the MOST ADVANCED HEARING AID IN THE WORLD.
All HearAtLast Clinics feature the latest in state-of-the-art clinical testing equipment, where our audiologists or hearing instrument specialists perform the most sophisticated array of tests in Canada, all at NO CHARGE to you.
HearAtLast dispenses a wide variety of brand name high quality digital hearing aids. Upon completion of your clinical assessment and approval from a third party signing authority, our licensed staff are able to dispense your hearing aid in "about an hour."
HearAtLast is conveniently located in select Wal-Marts in Canada and now we also have locations in select AppleTree Medical Clinic locationshttp://www.hearatlastholdings.com/Medical_Clinic_Locations.html
HRAL Products and Services
HRAL - HearAtLastTM
HRAL different hearing aids can be found here -----> http://www.hearatlastholdings.com/Hearing_Aids.html

Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing instruments fit comfortably and snuggly behind your ear. BTEs are attached to a custom earpiece molded to the shape of your outer ear. They are the most versatile hearing instruments, with models that can aid people with all types of hearing loss – from mild to severely profound. For children, BTEs are most often recommended since the earpiece can be easily changed to accommodate their growing ears, and can be connected external devices, which can assist them in the classroom.
BTEs can be connected to other sound sources such as televisions and infrared listening systems. Infrared listening systems can be helpful in public gatherings and for children in school. Volume control and other listening adjustments can be made manually or determined automatically by your BTEs, offering you the most control over your own hearing instruments. Your Hearing Care Professional can help you decide what type and style hearing instrument is best for you and your hearing needs.
Benefits at a glance:
•Most versatile to address all types of hearing loss from mild to severely profound
•Capable of being attached to external sound sources
•Automatic or manual controls
•Available in a range of fun, fashion colors as well as those to match hair or skin tone
Unlike BTEs which utilize a custom molded earpiece, Open Ear BTEs are small, sleek hearing instruments that attach to ultra-thin, almost invisible tubing and soft, comfortable tips that are inserted into your ears. A common complaint of hearing instrument wearers is the feeling of their ears being plugged up. This is known as occlusion and is caused by the earmold or custom instruments being placed into the ear. By utilizing special tubing and tips, Open Ear BTEs dramatically reduce occlusion by creating a more comfortable listening experience
Open Fit BTEs do not require ear impressions, and therefore you may be able to be tested and fit in one appointment. The flexible tips are available in various sizes for you and your Hearing Care Professional to choose from, ensuring optimal comfort. Since Open Ear BTEs have no visible controls, they function automatically and are easy to wear and use. Your Hearing Care Professional can help you decide what type and style hearing instrument is best for you and your hearing needs.
Benefits at a glance:
•Small, ergonomic design
•Reduces occlusion
•Automatic controls
In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing instruments are custom made to fit within the concha – the indented, bowl-like outer portion of your ear. ITEs are the most widely recommended hearing instrument style for adults because of their design and control options. Custom hearing instruments are not usually recommended for children since their ears are continually growing.
ITE hearing instruments are made to fit your unique ear shape. Because of their size, ITEs can have many features and options that make wearing hearing instruments more comfortable and user-friendly. They may have controls for manual adjustment of volume or special listening program, or these features many function automatically – giving you the option of how much or how little you control your instrument.
Of the custom instruments, ITEs can help the widest variety of hearing loss. Your Hearing Care Professional can help you decide what type and style hearing instrument is best for you and your hearing needs.
Benefits at a glance:
•Most widely recommended custom instrument
•Custom-designed fit to your unique ear size and shape
•Automatic or manual controls
•Available in a range of shades to match skin tone
Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)
Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) hearing instruments are the smallest, custom-designed hearing instruments. Hidden in the shadow of your ear canal, they fit deep inside your ear and are virtually invisible. Siemens Micro-CIC™ is the smallest CIC available today.
CIC hearing instruments are created to fit your unique ear shape. Due to their small size, CIC hearing instruments don't usually have any manual controls, so all features and functions are programmed to perform automatically – making them easy to use and comfortable to wear.
CICs are aesthetically pleasing, and can help a variety of hearing losses. Your Hearing Care Professional can help you decide what type and style hearing instrument is best for you and your hearing needs.
Benefits at a glance:
•Almost invisible when worn
•Custom designed to fit your unique ear size and shape
•Completely automatic
Post Aricular Canal (PAC)
Physically, the PAC hearing instrument doesn't look like a traditional hearing aid. In fact, its innovative, low-profile design makes it virtually invisible from any angle. Which, from a cosmetic perspective, is exactly the point, right?
Yet, that's just the beginning. InFocus separates the digital sound processor from the speaker, and then properly positions the speaker inside the ear canal to create an exclusive coupler effect not available elsewhere.
The sound processor is connected to the speaker using a translucent wire that runs through a micro-thin tube designed to follow the natural contours of your ear.
The speaker is held in position using an acoustically engineered Ultra Soft Tip, which gently seals the canal without occlusion-effect. This dynamic seal, which is designed to move with the ear canal, also eliminates feedback and other bothersome background noise.
Integrated with the power and performance of the most advanced digital technology available, it is this unique coupler effect that ensures superior sound quality, speech clarity, comfort and cosmetic appeal.
Last, but not least, every SeboTek PAC Voice-Q hearing instrument is designed to operate using a #13 battery, which is easy to handle for those with dexterity issues, yet offers dramatically longer battery life.
Neuro-Compensator - Custom Amplification
The NEURO-COMPENSATOR™ based hearing instrument is powered by the newest groundbreaking-neuro biological technology designed to enforce an optimal signal from the root of the auditory nerve to the brain. The Neuro-Compensator™ amplifies the audio bands so as to target a near-normal neuronal activity in the auditory system.
Vitasound introduces the world's first hearing aid based on the Neuro-Compensator algorithm, a novel hearing aid amplification strategy. The Neuro-Compensator employs neurocomputational models of the pathophysiology of hearing loss to optimize the gain calculation in a hearing aid so as to generate a more normal pattern of neuronal firing in the auditory nerve of the hearing impaired listener.
Those affected by hearing loss frequently report difficulty hearing sounds in noise, or tracking a person's speech in the presence of multiple competing talkers. The key shortcoming in conventional hearing aids is that they calculate how much gain to apply within each frequency channel without taking into account the total spectral content of the sound coming in, thus ignoring how multiple frequencies interact with each other to produce a normal sound perception.
In the resulting hearing aid, rather than calculating the gain separately within each frequency channel, the gain at various frequencies are dynamically calculated as a function of the entire spectral content of the signal. Compared to conventional hearing aids, a Neuro-Compensator-based hearing aid restores a much more natural sound for both speech and music, while sound perception in noise and sound localization are greatly enhanced. ASK ABOUT OUR EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT - THE NEURO-COMPENSATOR
HearAtLast facilities sell a selection of high quality brand name hearing aids and also offer complimentary screening tests, clinical hearing tests, high end ear buds and assistive listening devices. The Company's mission is to expand and develop opportunities within the highly fragmented hearing services to the estimated 30+ million hearing impaired individuals throughout North America by co-developing and/or licensing its HearAtLast brand throughout North America, within Walmart stores as well as in independent locations.
The Company is providing an affordable hearing solution for Canadians, combining the most sought after retail space in North America with convenience and location. Through HearAtLast’s alliance and partnership with VitaSound, the Company has now formed a foundation to began expansion throughout North America. With Ontario as its nucleus, HearAtLast will continue to grow using Wal-Mart’s proven model as a template for expansion. With the Company’s Licensing Business Model and with the addition of key members to the organization,
HearAtLast’s expansion goals will extend out to hearing operations that wish to affiliate and be part of the HearAtLast Hearing Store brand.
Watch HRAL commercials http://www.hearatlastholdings.com/Commercials.html

HRAL Key Company Management
Matthew Sacco
Chief Executive Officer, Director - HearAtLast Holdings, Inc.
Together with Dr. Randy Lacey, Mr. Sacco founded Atlast in June 2003 as a health services related Corporation. As CEO of the Company, Mr. Sacco is responsible for seeking new related business opportunities such as was evident in the greatly expanding hearing industry. Mr. Sacco works closely with the HearAtlast professionals and WAL-MART executives to ensure a complete and comprehensive roll out of new locations. Mr. Sacco has more than 30 years' experience in construction development and international business development, primarily in the Caribbean . During the past five years, Mr. Sacco has devoted his time, effort and financial resources to the ever-expanding hearing aid industry along with developing the business operations of HearAtLast.
HRAL Contact Info
HearAtLast Holdings, Inc.
5500 North Service Road
Suite 703
Burlington, ONT L7L 6W6
Website: http://www.hearatlastholdings.com
Phone: 855-204-4327
Email: info@hearatlastholdings.com
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HRAL - HearAtLastTM