GROC - Great Rock Development Corp

GROC Company Overview and Description
Great Rock Development Corp is a publicly traded junior mining and exploration company focused on developing gold and rare earth elements. Continued growth is sought through partnership and joint ventures with well established and proven mining companies to be a leader in low cost gold production.
Great Rock Development Corp is a mineral exploration company with unique understanding of energy. Their mission is to develop high quality projects in politically safe locales with high potential for acquisition.

Strategic growth plan:
- Develop proven NI 43-101 compliant ore inventories from high quality properties with potential for providing topside ore of good quality, have access to cost-effective energy sources, and easy access to qualified labor;
- Develop and/or secure tenure on novel cost-effective and environmentally friendly methodologies for the extraction and purification of precious metals; and,
From Q1-2013 to Q4-2014 the company will pursue expansion in the form of acquisitions that are pertinent to its strategic vision for aggressive growth. Specific deliverables include and are not limited to:
1. The creation of a business plan for the exploitation of gold from its 4,200 acres of gold claims in the Cobequid Fault Area of Nova Scotia, Canada. Reports of the occurrence of gold in the area have been made by the Nova Scotia Ministry of Natural Resources;
2. The transfer of its past consulting experience and current projects in energy conservation to the mining sector for energy savings and the demonstration of cost-effective approaches for the mining sector.
GROC Projects
Byers Brook & Shatter Lake
“There’s been reports of gold around there and there are also reports of rare earths in the region, the notion for us is to evaluate whether there is potential for establishing mines"... Dr. Luc C Duchesne
Report on the Investigations into a Newly Discovered Gold Occurrence at Warwick Mountain in the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia
The region is under increased scrutiny following the January release of a report by T.J. MacHattie of the Natural Resources Department that outlined a “newly discovered gold occurrence” near Warwick Mountain.
During the summer of 2011 a field program investigating the mineral potential of the Cobequid Highlands was undertaken. As part of this study a small sample of disaggregated bedrock collected at station 11TM0104 (Fig. 1) was sieved and panned to determine if the sample contained visible gold. A visual inspection under the microscope revealed gold grains. Several <500 micron gold grains were recovered from this narrow zone of disaggregated portions of the silicified and sulphidized rock. No existing claims were in effect at this new gold occurrence and therefore, based on similar geology, all claims within tracts 11E/11B- (101-106) and 11E/11C-(7-10) were closed to staking pending further scientific investigation. This was done to ensure that all persons interested in the mineral rights in this area will have an equitable chance to stake claims.
Location 11TM0104
NAD 83 UTM zone 20N (x = 470 595, y = 5 051 398) (see Fig. 1)
The new gold occurrence is hosted by basaltic lava flows of the Early Carboniferous Diamond Brook Formation in the northeastern Cobequid Highlands. These strata dip steeply and trend northwest-southeast. The highly altered zone is approximately 40 cm wide, bedding parallel, and strikes 110° with a dip of 90°. The alteration is also associated with anomalous concentrations of arsenic (400-500 ppm) and antimony (30- 50 ppm).
Assay Results
All samples were processed by Activation Laboratories Ltd., located in Ancaster, Ontario. Samples were crushed, split and ~100 g of material pulverized in mild steel (preparation code RX2). Gold fire assays were conducted on 30 g of pulverized material (preparation code 1A2).
Assay results for gold have been completed for four samples collected from the zone of silicified and sulphidized basalt at station 11TM0104 (Fig. 2). A dry ~750 g hand sample of the silicified and sulphidized rock showed a concentration of 17 ppb gold, and three dry ~625-700 g samples, consisting of centimetre- to millimetre-sized rock and mineral fragments showed concentrations of 10, 35 and 659 ppb gold, respectively.
$GROC daily chart:
GROC Key Company Management
Dr Luc C Duchesne, Chairman of the Boardm (52), brings a visionary expertise to the mining sector by combining new approaches to old problems. He is a senior businessman and research scientist. Dr. Duchesne is widely published in a broad range of disciplines such as bio-energy, forest economics, biotechnology, molecular biology, entomology, pathology, microbiology, fire ecology, and non-timber forest products. He is the author or co-author of 85 peer-reviewed book chapters, scientific articles and books, and has presented numerous lectures in symposia, international and national meetings. He received a PhD from the University of Guelph in 1988, an MSc from the University of Toronto in 1985 and B. Sc. Forest Engineering from Laval University in Quebec City in 1983. He has three postdoctoral specializations in molecular biology, molecular genetics and genetic engineering. Since 2004, he has managed technical projects in the energy, renewable energy sectors for various public and private companies. He was a research scientist for Natural Resources Canada from 1991 to 2003. He has taught undergraduates and graduates in eight universities as an adjunct professor including the Université de Moncton where still acts as an adjunct professor.
Mr. Danny Wong serves as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Wong has wealth of practical experience and success. He is a well-respected Canadian businessman with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. As a Certified Electrical Technician, he is considered to be a pioneer in the Energy Management sector. In 1994, he began to build a reputation for his ability to reduce energy consumption bills for large Fortune 500 clients through the use of innovative automated building systems and the provision of energy efficient lighting upgrades. In 2001, he helped form the Synexus Global Energy Solution - An Acres Company where he participated with Acres International Energy Engineering in the development of a software energy solution known as E3. In addition, he played an intricate role in the design and assembly of a revolutionary energy-monitoring desk that facilitated 24/7 polling of energy data collected from large commercial buildings in Real-Time, while interacting with current IESO appraisals. During his duration at Synexus, he again found himself fulfilling energy and service contracts for a long list of Fortune 500 clients including Wal-Mart, Zeller's, Staples, and MacDonald (many of which he continues to service to this day.) Under his direction, in 2004, the Encompass Group began integrating complete HVAC building systems with 21st Century energy management technologies, with the ability to interact with the 20th century power grid -- resulting in an advanced Smart Grid compatible energy solution. He serves as Director of Grid Cloud Solutions, Inc.

GROC Contact Info
305 James St,
Ottawa, ON
Tel: 1 613 878 6552
Fax: 1 613 878 6552
(416)900-6606 x 103
The company has deployed three business branches for the purpose of securing maximum market inroads in the short possible time period in order to generate cash flow, increase share value and mitigate market risks:1. Acquisition of gold mineral rightsThe board of directors approved the acquisition of the gold mineral rights of Byers Brook and Shattter Lake Claims of Colchester County in Nova Scotia for a total of 4200 acres in exchange for 75,000,000 shares of Great Rock Development Corporation. Said transaction has yet to be closed with the emission of shares.2. Energy conservation through demand side conservation from commercial, municipal and residential buildingsThe company has secured a purchase order for energy retrofits (HVAC) for 162 housing units in a cooperative housing program in Mississauga, Ontario. The work was then assigned to a mechanical subcontractor and was completed in Q1 2012.The company has secured a purchase order for the installation of tank-less hot water systems in a new housing development in Ottawa. The work was assigned to a contractor. Invoicing has yet to be completed. Partial payment was received.The company has secured the rights to distribute Thermonomics products in Canada in a Dealers Agreement. Furthermore the company is negotiating a second agreement, through a joint venture, to deploy Thermonomics in Jamaica and the Caribbean islands.For all of these activities, the company plans to make use of the business relationships developed by 932678 Ontario Inc (Encompass) and Forest BioProducts Inc to increase its revenues through the sales of products that increase energy efficiency.The company has secured distribution rights from Scientific Conservation, a US company with proprietary software for energy conservation monitoring.3. Sales and marketing of services or products that meet conservation/green energy profileIn July 2011, the company has secured an exclusive sales and marketing agency contract with Interlock Structural Panels Inc for the sales and marketing of 4,500,000 ft of structural steel panels to be used in housing, commercial and industrial developments. Starting in July 2011, the company received a monthly retainer from Interlock Structural Panels Inc. Contingency payment of $0.20 ft of panel will be claimed as a result of sales managed by the Company. During the reporting period there were no sales made from which contingency payments are expected in the short term. On January 23, 2012 Interlock Structural Panels Inc terminated this agreement for as the technology provider ran into cash flow issues.In September 2011, the Company secured a Dealers Agreement with Innovative Hydrogen Solutions Inc to sell hydrogen generators to add as energy saving devices in diesel trucks. In September 2012, the Company terminated this agreement. In February 2012, the Company investigated various HVAC line lubricants for the purpose of assessing the potential for securing distribution rights of various potential lubricants to the residential and commercial markets. Comparative analyses were made.In February 2012, the Company provided a Letter of Interest to the Receiver of Two Feather Forest Management, a company with access to interconnection rights for 10 mWe from biomass. After diligence work the Company elected not to proceed with the project.The Company has developed plans to purchases blocks of power at a discount and partitioning these at a discount to small industrial power users who are paying prime rates for their power.No significant progress was made in Q1 2012.The Company generated revenues by providing consulting services in the renewable energysector to clients of Forest BioProducts Inc.4. Solar EPCWe continued business development eforts in this field. In general the photovoltaic industry in Ontario has been slow moving mostly because of the lack of support of the Ontario Governmentin granting permits for the construction of FIT contracts. Therefore, while this business line offers great potential, management is concerned about the fact that business activities aresubjected to government policies and their implementation. One 10kW project spearheaded by the Company saw its completion in March 2012.The Company has secured a purchase order from a municipality for a 10kW rooftop with potential for addition of a 25mW project. This project was completed in Q1 2012.per annual report:
GROC Press Releases
January, 2012
Great Rock Development Corporation Acquires Gold Rights to Cobequid Highland Claims in Nova Scotia
October, 2012
Great Rock reports on recent Field survey and examines small scale extraction technologies.
Oct 21, 2012 Great Rock Development Corp (OTC: GROC) is pleased to report that further field visits were conducted in October 2012 to assess the regional infrastructure. Local visits are also scheduled in January 2013 in Nova Scotia to continue to evaluate various small scale extraction technologies.
The Company expects to announce further news on these advancements in the first quarter of 2013.

GROC Financial Reporting/Disclosure & Security Details
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GROC Share Structure
Market Value1 $587,419 a/o Mar 15, 2013
Shares Outstanding 104,896,184 a/o Dec 31, 2012
as stated per
Shares Outstanding: 109.000.000
Authorized: 275,000,000
as stated per corporate website
Transfer Agent(s)
Heritage U.S. Transfer Corp.
4 King Street West
Suite 1320
Toronto, ONT, M5H 1B6
Company Notes
Formerly=Grid Cloud Solutions, Inc. until 2-2012
Formerly=Symposium Productions Corp. until 12-2010
Formerly=Dragon Environmental Corp. until 9-06
Profile Data
SIC - Industry Classification: 1000 - Metal Mining
Incorporated In: FL, USA
Year of Inc: 1995
Security Notes
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 1,000 split. Effective date=7-23-02
Capital Change=shs increased by 12 for 1 split Ex-date=09/27/2006.
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 50 split. Pay date=02/29/2012
Resources used:, Corporate financials,, GROC website

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