FERN Company Description
Fernhill Corporation, a Nevada corporation based in Delaware. Fernhill corporation is a junior exploration company engaged in the exploration and production of mineral resources.
The company was incorporated in the state of Nevada on October 7, 1987 as Alaskan Geodetic Survey Inc. The primary SIC code for the company is 1040 (classification) –Gold and Silver Ores. The company’s fiscal year end date is December 31, 2014.
The company is in the mineral exploration business, and does not have any marketable products at this time. The company has a 100% working interest in the Montauban Property in the province of Quebec consisting of 13 contiguous claims as well as a signed LOI for the Silver Bell Property in the province of British Columbia. The company intends to obtain ownership of the latter
FERN Products and Services
The property is underlain by Paleozoic rocks of the Sicker Group (Nitinat and McLaughlin Ridge/Myra Formations). The Myra Formation, in particular, is a known host of economic mineralization elsewhere on Vancouver Island. The geological environment found on the Silver Bell Mine Property is consistent with an epithermal quartz vein style that is favorable for associated gold (+/- silver, copper) values.
The Silver Bell Mine (092F243) occurs at the northern end of the Cowichan uplift, near the southern shore of Horne Lake. A quartz vein, up to 20 centimetres in width and at least 21 metres in length hosting massive stibnite, arsenopyrite and pyrite occurs in volcanics of the Devonian Nitinat Formation.
Location and Access
The Silver Bell Mine Property is located on the south shore of Horne Lake, 15 kilometres northeast of Port Alberni, in south-central Vancouver Island. The property is within the Nanaimo Mining Division (NTS 92F/7E).
The property is accessible by a poorly maintained gravel road, which turns off Highway 4, 3.5 kilometres east of Port Alberni. Portions of this road are constructed upon a logging railway grade that was constructed 65 to 75 years ago. Most of the road requires the use of a four wheel drive vehicle.

The Silver Bell property lies at the north end of a belt of Sicker Group volcanic rocks of Middle to Upper Devonian Age. The belt of Sicker Group rocks is from 5 to 7 kilometres wide and is flanked to the northwest and southeast by a larger belt of younger Karmutsen Formation volcanic rocks of mid to upper Triassic age.
The property is entirely underlain by Palezoic Sicker Group calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. The Nitinat Formation makes up the most dominant unit exposed on the western part of the property and is comprised of mafic volcanic rocks, mainly flow breccias and agglomerate rocks, including some massive flows, amygdaloidal basalt and rare pillow basalts.
The eastern part of the property is underlain by the McLaughlin Ridge/Myra Formation, which uncomfortably overlies the Nitinat Formation. In this area, the Myra Formation is made up of a lower massive to widely banded basaltic tuff and breccia unit, a middle thinly banded albite-trachyte tuff and argillite unit and an upper thick bedded, medium grained albite-trachyte tuff and breccia unit. A major northwest-trending fault transects the property; direction of movement is presently unknown.
Several secondary northeast-trending structures occur on the Silver Bell property. The Silver Bell antimony showing lies on a linear structure trending 15 º along the shoreline of Horne Lake. In general the northeast structures form prominent stream valleys, where good rock exposures may be found, including most known areas of sericite-quartz-carbonate (listwanite) alteration.
The first record of exploration activity in the area of the current Silver Bell Mine Property is found in the B.C. Ministry of Mines Annual Report for 1939. During this year, an audit 30 metres in length was driven along the Silver Bell vein. The vein contained massive concentrations of stibnite and arsenopyrite. A mill test shipment from the Silver Bell Mine in 1939 gave values of 28.7% antimony, 0.02 oz/t gold, and 0.20 oz/t silver. Work was suspended at the mine with the advent of WWII.
Activity in this area ceased until the period 1963 to 1966. During this time Gunnex Ltd. carried out intensive prospecting on two areas of iron formation, located immediately to the west of the current property.
Asarco Exploration Company of Canada acquired the area around the Silver Bell Mine and in 1982, carried out a soil geochemistry survey on the property. Sampling density for this survey was rather low, resulting in some weak anomalies, but further work was recommended.
In 1987, a minor program of rock and stream sediment sampling was carried out for Reward Resources Ltd. by MPH Consulting Ltd. Further work was carried out by Nexus Resource Corporation in 1988, consisting of the collection and analysis of 80 stream silt samples and 20 rock samples.
FERN Key Company Management
Mr. Kiran Kurien serves as the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Fernhill Corp. Mr. Kurien's background in Business Development, he oversee the evelopment and oversight of its goals and objectives. Mr. Kurien oined Fernhill in November of 2011.
FERN Contact Info
Fernhill Corp.
717 N. Union Street, Suite 107
Wilmington, DE 19805
Telephone No. 302-468-5088
Fax No. 760-707-5521
Website: http://www.fernhillcorp.com
Email: info@fernhillcorp.com
FERN SEC Filings
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