Saturday, November 23, 2013

junior exploration $FERN - Fernhill Corporation

FERN - Fernhill Corporation

FERN Company Description
Fernhill Corporation, a Nevada corporation based in Delaware. Fernhill corporation is a junior exploration company engaged in the exploration and production of mineral resources.

The company was incorporated in the state of Nevada on October 7, 1987 as Alaskan Geodetic Survey Inc. The primary SIC code for the company is 1040 (classification) –Gold and Silver Ores. The company’s fiscal year end date is December 31, 2014.

The company is in the mineral exploration business, and does not have any marketable products at this time. The company has a 100% working interest in the Montauban Property in the province of Quebec consisting of 13 contiguous claims as well as a signed LOI for the Silver Bell Property in the province of British Columbia. The company intends to obtain ownership of the latter

FERN Products and Services
The property is underlain by Paleozoic rocks of the Sicker Group (Nitinat and McLaughlin Ridge/Myra Formations). The Myra Formation, in particular, is a known host of economic mineralization elsewhere on Vancouver Island. The geological environment found on the Silver Bell Mine Property is consistent with an epithermal quartz vein style that is favorable for associated gold (+/- silver, copper) values.

The Silver Bell Mine (092F243) occurs at the northern end of the Cowichan uplift, near the southern shore of Horne Lake. A quartz vein, up to 20 centimetres in width and at least 21 metres in length hosting massive stibnite, arsenopyrite and pyrite occurs in volcanics of the Devonian Nitinat Formation.

Location and Access
The Silver Bell Mine Property is located on the south shore of Horne Lake, 15 kilometres northeast of Port Alberni, in south-central Vancouver Island. The property is within the Nanaimo Mining Division (NTS 92F/7E).

The property is accessible by a poorly maintained gravel road, which turns off Highway 4, 3.5 kilometres east of Port Alberni. Portions of this road are constructed upon a logging railway grade that was constructed 65 to 75 years ago. Most of the road requires the use of a four wheel drive vehicle.

The Silver Bell property lies at the north end of a belt of Sicker Group volcanic rocks of Middle to Upper Devonian Age. The belt of Sicker Group rocks is from 5 to 7 kilometres wide and is flanked to the northwest and southeast by a larger belt of younger Karmutsen Formation volcanic rocks of mid to upper Triassic age.

The property is entirely underlain by Palezoic Sicker Group calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. The Nitinat Formation makes up the most dominant unit exposed on the western part of the property and is comprised of mafic volcanic rocks, mainly flow breccias and agglomerate rocks, including some massive flows, amygdaloidal basalt and rare pillow basalts.

The eastern part of the property is underlain by the McLaughlin Ridge/Myra Formation, which uncomfortably overlies the Nitinat Formation. In this area, the Myra Formation is made up of a lower massive to widely banded basaltic tuff and breccia unit, a middle thinly banded albite-trachyte tuff and argillite unit and an upper thick bedded, medium grained albite-trachyte tuff and breccia unit. A major northwest-trending fault transects the property; direction of movement is presently unknown.

Several secondary northeast-trending structures occur on the Silver Bell property. The Silver Bell antimony showing lies on a linear structure trending 15 º along the shoreline of Horne Lake. In general the northeast structures form prominent stream valleys, where good rock exposures may be found, including most known areas of sericite-quartz-carbonate (listwanite) alteration.

The first record of exploration activity in the area of the current Silver Bell Mine Property is found in the B.C. Ministry of Mines Annual Report for 1939. During this year, an audit 30 metres in length was driven along the Silver Bell vein. The vein contained massive concentrations of stibnite and arsenopyrite. A mill test shipment from the Silver Bell Mine in 1939 gave values of 28.7% antimony, 0.02 oz/t gold, and 0.20 oz/t silver. Work was suspended at the mine with the advent of WWII.

Activity in this area ceased until the period 1963 to 1966. During this time Gunnex Ltd. carried out intensive prospecting on two areas of iron formation, located immediately to the west of the current property.

Asarco Exploration Company of Canada acquired the area around the Silver Bell Mine and in 1982, carried out a soil geochemistry survey on the property. Sampling density for this survey was rather low, resulting in some weak anomalies, but further work was recommended.

In 1987, a minor program of rock and stream sediment sampling was carried out for Reward Resources Ltd. by MPH Consulting Ltd. Further work was carried out by Nexus Resource Corporation in 1988, consisting of the collection and analysis of 80 stream silt samples and 20 rock samples.

FERN Key Company Management
Mr. Kiran Kurien serves as the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Fernhill Corp. Mr. Kurien's background in Business Development, he oversee the evelopment and oversight of its goals and objectives. Mr. Kurien oined Fernhill in November of 2011.

FERN Contact Info
Fernhill Corp.
717 N. Union Street, Suite 107
Wilmington, DE 19805
Telephone No. 302-468-5088
Fax No. 760-707-5521


FERN SEC Filings

FERN Headlines

Investigate more about FERN @ for more due diligence.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Who is $NEUN - NeuroGenesis

NEUN - NeuroGenesis

NEUN Company Description
After additional intense research, NeuroGenesis, a supplement formulator discovered that the Neu BeCalm'd approach is the most effective means of providing a long lasting solution to chemical imbalances in the brain. While most types of traditional medicine treat the symptoms, the Neu BeCalm'd product addresses the underlying issues in order help one achieve a normal life. In addition, the Neu BeCalm'd formulation contains FDA approved nutritional ingredients. Neu BeCalm'd has been reported to be beneficial in reducing the effects of acute as well as chronic stress factors in those who use the product.

Neu BeCalm'd is a safe, all natural alternative to traditional medicine, and is intended for people with PTSD and other similar problems. In addition, Neu BeCalm'd contains formulations of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are designed to assist the brain in balancing and rebuilding neurotransmitters to achieve and maintain a chemical balance.

NEUN Products and Services
The goal of our products is to improve the availability and balance of certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. These chemicals, neurotransmitters, attach to various brain cells in the brain and, depending on the location, produce what we call thoughts or feelings or actions. When these chemicals are depleted somewhat or are “out of balance with each other” then our thoughts or feelings or actions are effected in negative ways. We may have inappropriate thoughts, feel depressed, and do things we would not normally do.

Over the years research has shown us that trauma (stress) as well as the use of certain medications or other drugs can cause serious shortages of these transmitters.
NeuroGenesis set out to produce products that would assist directly with the manufacture of the desired transmitters to such levels that balance could occur and normal thoughts, feelings and actions could be restored. Transmitters in the brain are made from amino acids in the presence of specific vitamins and minerals which serve as co-factors in this building process.

While there are literally hundreds of transmitters in the brain research has shown that there are just a few that are extremely important for quality of thought, feeling and actions. The first of these is dopamine, a chemical which works to produce feelings of happiness, love, attachment, concern for others. Dopamine is produced from L-phenylalanine in our products.

The next is norepinepherine which works to energize use, to tell our hearts to beat and our lungs to expand. This transmitter is also made from the amino acid L-phenylalanine.
Third is serotonin, an extremely important transmitter in several places in the brain. This transmitter functions to keep our emotions in balance so that we are not up and down all the time. It also facilitates all our sensory input (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste) to various areas of the brain for interpretation and communication. This transmitter is important in the sleep cycle as well as other rhythmic cycles our bodies experience. Serotonin is produced from 5-HTP in our products.

Next is GABA (Gamma amino butyric acid) which is the brains most important calming agent. GABA works to keep transmitter firings in balance so that our thoughts don’t “race”. When GABA is effective we don’t feel “anxiety” all the time for seemingly no reason. This important calming agent is produced by L-glutamine in our products.

Last, and far from least, is a group of transmitters called “peptides” (because they consist of five amino acids). These transmitters are of the “opiate or opioid” family and work to reduce the effect of physical pain as well as create a sense of internal calm and completeness. When these transmitters are effective our sense of positive self concept is high, we feel good within ourselves. When deficiencies occur our pain threshold is lowered and we have a deep sense of inadequacy.

The opioids are produced by a combination of aminos in our products, especially when NeuBecalm’d and NeuRelieve are combined. These peptides are a combination of the amino acids L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine (which is made from L-phenylalanine), 2 molecules of the amino L-glycine and the amino acid methionine (made available by the actions of folic acid in our products.)

When trauma or drug use occurs no single transmitter is depleted but all of the transmitters in the effected area are limited. It is important to use a well balanced supplement which will work to reestablish the desired balance for optimum effect.

NEUN Key Company Management
Albert H. Bieser serves as Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Neurogenesis Inc. Mr. Bieser served as Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Neurogenesis. Prior to 1984, Mr. Bieser served as the President of B. E. Industries, Inc., a successful private company that manufactured ship board satellite antenna aiming systems, President of General Computer Systems, Inc. a publicly held firm which manufactured a proprietary 'key-disk-tape' data entry subsystem and as Managing Director of Recognition Equipment-Europe,a computer related company. He holds Bachelor of Science Degrees in Business Administration (1953) and Electrical Engineering (1959) from the University of Colorado. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Southern Methodist University (1963).

NEUN Contact Info
NeuroGenesis, Inc.
120 Park Ave.
League City, TX 77573

Phone: 281-557-7877

NEUN SEC Filings

NEUN Headlines

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Who is $EXHI -Exlites Holdings International Inc. dd

$EXHI -Exlites Holdings International Inc. dd

$EXHI Company Overview and Description
Exlites Holdings International Inc. was operated in Japan for a number of years before moving to the United States. The Company's products are sold online and through the company's affiliate and distribution programs. The Company is dedicated to offering medical equipment to hospitals, assisted living facilities and to private individuals who seek quality medical equipment at cost effective prices. The Company's website is at

$EXHI Products and Services
Exlites Medical Equipment has been supplying our customers/patients, medical professionals, and healthcare clinics with quality medical equipment and supplies for many years.

$EXHI offers a breadth/depth of various incontinence supplies that will lead to a healthy lifestyle associated with individuals wearing adult diapers, briefs, etc.

$EXHI offers a breadth/depth of various urological supplies.

$EXHI offers a breadth/depth of various supplies that will lead to a comfortable, healthy lifestyle associated with individuals who have to have ostomy, ileostomy, or colostomy supplies.

$EXHI offers a breadth/depth of various wound care supplies such as dressings, gauzes, etc.

$EXHI offers a breadth/depth of various respiratory supplies that will lead to a healthy lifestyle associated with sleep disorders, sleep apnea, CPAP, etc.

$EXHI offers a breadth/depth of various diabetic supplies that will lead to a healthy lifestyle associated with diabetes.

Exlites Medical Equipment understands that our customers may have special needs that require monthly supplies of key medical supplies. In an effort to make the medical supply purchase process easy & convenient for you, we offer our HOME DELIVERY PROGRAM to you.

Examples of items that qualify for our Home Delivery Program are but not limited to the following items:
*Diabetic Supplies
*Incontinent Supplies
*Ostomy Supplies

Benefits of Our Program:
*Friendly Customer Service
*Free Shipping
*Great Discounts
*Discreet Delivery – we guard your privacy with discreet packaging.
Convenience – your supplies come right to your front door.
*Automatic Shipment – you can have your supplies shipped out automatically each month so you don’t have to worry about running out.

$EXHI Key Company Management
Joseph Chung was declared CEO, and sole Director on September 13, 2013.

EXHI Contact Info
Exlites Holdings International Inc.
245 N. Vine
Suite 904
Salt Lake City, UT 84103

Phone: 801-363-4328

EXHI SEC Filings

EXHI Headlines

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

About $MYEC - MyECheck Inc.

MYEC - MyECheck Inc.

MYEC Company Description
MyECheck Inc. is a leading electronic transaction data processor that provides a superior alternative payment solution to paper checks, payment cards and ACH payments. MyECheck technology utilizes a patented method of processing check data through the Check 21 check image processing infrastructure for exceedingly fast, secure and cost effective payments. As the first to market leader in Check 21 solutions and check image processing for online, remote, automated and mobile transactions, MyECheck provides financial access to more customers and faster funds clearing than any other electronic payment method.

Please visit

MYEC Products and Services
MyECheck offers comprehensive and easily implemented solutions that enable real-time payments by authorized fully electronic check. MyECheck’s electronic check service creates and clears checks using only customer account data without the hassle and delays of paper checks. MyECheck's system enables more payers - any authorized signor on any US checking account, for any amount. MyECheck's transactions can even be payment guaranteed.

MYEC Key Company Management
Edward Robert Starrs, Ed founded MyECheck, Inc. in October 2004 and has been its Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President since October 29, 2004. Mr. Starrs has been Acting Chief Financial Officer at MyECheck, Inc. since May 2010. He has more than 20 years experience as an international business executive with management experience in multiple industries. He has a proven record in team building, sales, marketing and distribution with full P&L responsibility as public corporate officer and as private company owner. Mr. Starrs served as the President of Starnet Systems International, Inc. He created comprehensive solutions for Internet payment processing including successfully developing and implementing systems to control fraud, secure transactions and increase global distribution for e-commerce merchants. Mr. Starrs owned and operated several successful companies including, ERS Marketing, Inc., where he produced over $20 million in contracts for his clients, and Bay Distributing, Inc. a major distributor of over 800 product categories to Fortune 500 accounts. From January 2002 to October 2004, Mr. Starrs served as President of Digency, Inc. Mr. Starrs has also held senior management positions with Fortune 100 companies including McCaw Communications, Inc. (AT&T), and AMF, Inc.

MYEC Contact Info
6025 Edgehill Drive
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Phone: 916-222-4376

MYEC SEC Filings

MYEC Headlines

Investigate more about MYEC @ for more due diligence.

Who is Nevada Gold Corp ( OTCQB: $NVGC )

NVGC - Nevada Gold Corp

NVGC Company Description
Nevada Gold Corp (OTCQB:NVGC) is a publicly traded US exploration company focused on precious metals targets in the gold rich area of North Eastern Nevada. To date, Nevada State has produced over 200 million ounces of gold with Nevada accounting for almost 84% of the US annual gold production. Most recently the company has a acquired an option to earn a a 75 percent interest in the former producing silver/lead and gold mine called the Diamond Jim Mine located in Northern Nevada State.

The Diamond Jim Mine in Elko County consists of 35 claims and is located in northeastern Nevada, 20 miles (32 km) south of the Idaho border, 69 miles (111 km) north of the city of Elko and 260 miles (418 km) northeast of the city of Reno. The property lies on the easterly end of the northeast-trending Midas trend, one of Nevada's several important epithermal gold belts. The Midas trend hosts a number of significant to world-class gold districts such as Midas-Ken Snyder Mine and the Jerritt Canyon Mine (recently produced its 8 millionth ounce of gold). These mines produce mainly from epithermal vein systems favourable for small but profitable high-grade operations and Carlin-type sediment-hosted deposits amenable to large-scale open-pit bulk mining.

Nevada Gold Corp plans to conduct an initial surface exploration program as well as seek a permit to reopen the old mine workings to verify pervious exploration results. In addition to the Diamond Jim property the company also has an option on another gold property located in Nevada's Long Canyon Gold Trend.

NVGC Products and Services
NVGC Diamond Jim Mine is located in the Island Mountain mining district in northern Elko County, Nevada state.

NVGC newly discovered Long Canyon Gold Trend, of Northeastern Nevada, was first drilled by a company called New West Gold.

Videos - News and Current Information

NVGC Key Company Management
President and Director – Merrill W. Moses
-Owned 8 different Restaurants by the age of 23
-Successfully operated an Oil & Gas company, Intercontinental Oil & Research for over a decade
-Founding partner of Liberty Capital International (LCI)
-Merrill stewarded LCI’s acquisitions of over $1.5Billion USD worth of Caspian Sea oil fields in Khuzestan
-Created Cambridge Financial Services Inc. one of California’s largest and successful Mortgage Banking firms
-Holds various state Broker licenses
-Served as President George W. Bush’s Honorary Chairman of the “House Majority Trust”

Vice President and Director – Charles C. Hooper
-Graduate Systems Engineer of the UCLA, Master of Science Degree and Doctorate in Finance from U.S. Naval Post Graduate School
-Began career as a reliability systems engineer for Litton Industries
Officer in the U.S. Navy, serving two tours in Viet Nam, receiving numerous medals and commendations
-Owner of Old Town Financial in La Jolla, California, designer, financier and developer of shopping centers, office buildings, resorts.
-Master planned communities, apartments, health clubs, single family homes and ranch estates valued over $500 Million USD
-Additionally arranged over $3.3 Billion USD in project financing for clients
-Registered Investment Advisor by age 21, has held securities, insurance and real estate licenses for over 36 years
-Over the past 10 years has been CEO of two publicly traded companies

NVGC Contact Info
Nevada Gold Corp
2683 Via de la Valle
Suite G418
Del Mar, CA 92014

Phone: 858-367-9008

NVGC SEC Filings

NVGC Headlines

Investigate more about NVGC @ for more due diligence.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



IBRC Company Description
About iBrands Corporation
iBRANDS CORPORATION ~ IBRC, is a publicly traded holding company that acquires and operates niche market brands having unique market positioning with substantial upside. Our strategy is executed through the acquisition of proprietary brands having unique market niches with substantial upside growth and providing strong management. A common thread throughout our acquisitions is the application of Internet technology to enhance revenues and optimize margins.

IBRC Products and Services
Currently, the Company has operating divisions, those being; (1) iSoftware, Inc. and (2) iMenu24/7, Inc. iMenu24/7 is a marketing and services provider of consumer online ordering and related technologies for the worldwide restaurant industry. iMenu24/7's primary target is the restaurateur, whether they are a single unit owner or a multi-unit chain.

The industry in North America has over 1.1 million restaurants generating $600 Billion in annual revenues comprising of 40.6 billion meals ordered for off-premises ("take out" orders). According to the National Restaurant Association, less than 5% of restaurants in North America currently have online order capabilities. iSoftware, Inc. owns all of the proprietary software for online ordering. iSoftware has been organized to provide the Company economies of scale of Internet technology, programmers, web designers and related technical services as the Company grows through brand acquisition and development.

IBRC Key Company Management
Mr. Paul R. Smith, HBA, has been the Chief Executive Officer of iBrands Corp. (formerly Medspas of America, Inc., PDC Innovative Industries Inc. and Ragin' Ribs, Inc.) since July 2006 and also serves as its President. Mr. Smith is responsible for developing the Virtuoso Medical Spa concept across the United States at iBrands Corp. Mr. Smith serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Inc. Since 1988, he has been Owner/President of PRS Hospitality, Inc. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of PDC Innovative Industries Inc., Prior to its acqusition by Ragin' Ribs, Inc. since December 28, 2004 and also served as its President since February 2004. Mr. Smith served as the Chief Executive Officer of an OTCBB hospitality company; and President of a boutique hospitality consulting company with clients worldwide. During this period, he developed and implemented a strategic plan for Grandma Lee's International, a 100-unit Bakery/Restaurant chain from Canada, to finance and franchise their 20-year-old concept into the US market. PRS Hospitality, Inc., also provided development and marketing services to international clients in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada and the United States. From 1980 to 1987, he served as President and Chief Operating Officer of York Hannover Amusements, Ltd. During his service at York Hannover, Mr. Smith supervised: 1) a 1,200 room resort property; 2) 100 restaurants including casual dining, fast food and fine dining establishments; 3) entertainment facilities including large amphitheater productions to intimate dinner theater; 4) the Toronto Blizzard Soccer Club, a professional team in the North American Soccer League; 4) theme parks in Vancouver and Niagara Falls; and 5) boat and bus tour companies and a travel agency. Mr. Smith has over 30 years experience as a senior executive managing private and public corporations in franchise management in restaurants, soft drink manufacturing and hotels. He serves as the Chairman of Inc. He also acted as Co-Chairman of York Hannover Hotels, Ltd. He serves as Director of Inc. He serves as a Director of iBrands Corp. Mr. Smith holds an honors business degree from the Richard Ivey School of Business Administration, a Harvard affiliate and Canada's most prestigious business school.

IBRC Contact Info
2406 Macy Drive
Roswell, GA 30076

Phone: 866-595-1081

IBRC SEC Filings

IBRC Headlines

Investigate more about IBRC @ for more due diligence.

No 1 tweeted penny stock today

Monday, November 11, 2013

Who is $MWAR - Muscle Warfare International, Inc

$MWAR - Muscle Warfare International, Inc

MWAR Company Description
About Muscle Warfare International, Inc (MWAR) Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Wellington, Florida, United States, our business model is to research, evaluate, and acquire profitable private firms in the business segments of sports nutrition, energy, and business services for the benefit of our shareholders. By providing the financial and human capital necessary to deal with the overwhelming administrative, planning, governance, compliance, and regulatory issues that abound, our partners can focus their energy and flourish.

Stay up-to-date with current events by joining Muscle Warfare International, Inc. E-Mail Alert List. Join by going to the following:

MWAR Products and Services
Muscle Warfare is a cutting edge sports nutrition manufacturer that is passionately driven to create and distribute the absolute highest quality products in the marketplace. Every product we develop has been forged with great experience and focus on maximizing product efficacy for real world results. Furthermore, Muscle Warfare products are rigorously tested by top testing labs to help insure them free of banned substances. We are truly committed to helping all athletes achieve and surpass their highest goals and potential.

MWAR Key Company Management
Mr. Daniel Amato has been the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Embark Holdings, Inc. since March 2013. Mr. Amato is the Founder of Muscle Warfare and operates as the President and Chief Executive Officer. After Obtaining an Associate's degree in the medical field 19 years ago, he started his business career as a Radiation Therapist at Montefiore Hospital. He continued in this field for 4 years working at the prestigious Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, Good Samaritan Hospital in Palm Beach and St. Mary's Hospital in Florida. As a result of his training and experiences in therapy, gaining additional knowledge in specialized nutrition and taking care of the human body became a priority professionally and personally. He started Samson Distributing, Inc. in 1998. He quickly became an Industry Innovator in both product design and marketing. He has owned and operated four highly profitable companies in the sports nutrition space during a 13 year span. Since 1998, and the emergence of his company Samson, he has been consistently profitable within the sports nutrition and supplement industry for 13 years. Due to his extensive experience and marketing research background he continues to be a strong and recognizable force within the industry. During the past 4 years he has maintained profitability in 3 of his mail order companies, while using the profit to fund the start-up of Muscle Warfare, Inc. He received the coveted : Rising Star" Award from GNC in1995.

MWAR Contact Info
Muscle Warfare International, Inc
3133 Fortune Way
Suite 15
Wellington, FL 33414

Phone: (888)-391-9459

MWAR SEC Filings

MWAR Headlines

Investigate more about MWAR @ for more due diligence.

Monday, November 4, 2013

AXXE - Axxess Pharma, Inc. DD

AXXE - Axxess Pharma, Inc.

AXXE Company Description
Axxess Pharma: a focused healthcare company dedicated to providing a wide range of products to improve the lives of patients and consumers worldwide.

We believe action defines leadership.

Our 23 wholly-owned prescription and non-prescription products are targeted to improve health-related conditions including several forms of iron deficiency, bone loss, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, urinary tract infections, infant cradle cap, joint pain and much more. Axxess Pharma intends to market these products with affordable pricing and widespread availability. Our company will continue to tap the well of innovation to develop ever-more effective and affordable treatment options for the patients we serve, and also foster innovation in education, leadership and advocacy.
Personal passion concerning the well-being of chronic illness sufferers is a major driving force and at the heart of our company. Affordable, proven, prescription and non-prescription products are a critical component to our company Business Plan. We balance environmental impact, social contribution, and financial results. Axxess Pharma is publicly traded on the US stock exchange under the ticker symbol: AXXE.

AXXE Products and Services
Axxess has a wide range of specialized healthcare products. Products will be launched based on priority and market demand.

Specialized products include:

-Specialized vitamins
-All natural pain relief
-Diabetes-specific supplements
-Pain relief supplements
-Hot/cold therapy

Prescription Products

Non-Prescription Products
Triferex Syrup Hydraxx 2%
Triferex Pediatric Syrup Hydraxx Serum
Potassium Chloride liquid Hydraxx Serum Eyes
Calcium Citrate with VitaminD Kemsol for Scleroderma
Soropon Shampoo Triferex Capsules
Hydraxx 1%

AXXE Key Company Management
Daniel Bagi, M.D., President
Daniel Bagi, M.D. is a senior executive physician with 20+ year’s international experience in the medical device/pharmaceutical industry, with an emphasis on Product Development, Business Development and licensing. Expertise in product development as it pertains to clinical development for commercial use; medical affairs and clinical research, specifically oncology and gynecologic topical women’s health products. Good knowledge of international regulatory standards. Secured numerous license deals internationally, between North American pharma companies and local partners. Extensive experience presenting to financial institutions, regulatory agencies, and potential pharmaceutical partners.

AXXE Contact Info
Axxess Pharma Inc.
20 Valleywood Drive
Unit 105
Markham, ON L3R 6G1
Canada - Map
Phone: 905-513-0000
Fax: 905-513-1040

AXXE SEC Filings

AXXE Headlines

Investigate more about AXXE @ for more due diligence.

Growth Plan
Products will distributed in mass retail across the following regions:
Canada - Currently in market
USA – Fall of 2014
Mexico – Fall of 2015
Target mass retailers to include: Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart, CVS, Rexall, Walgreens, Pharmacia del la oro.

Axxess Pharma Inc. $AXXE - Video VNN - Daniel Bagi MD

Who is $HNSS - Healthnostics, Inc.

HNSS - Healthnostics, Inc.

HNSS Company Description
Healthnostics, Inc. is a medical and biotechnology analytics company with the mission of helping improve the delivery of healthcare and providing information resources for medical and biotechnology professionals.

Healthnostics provides comprehensive patient clinical monitoring and risk management systems to acute care hospitals; and, utilizes its Internet portals to deliver medical and biotechnology resource information to industry professionals and the general public.

HNSS Healthnostics Healthcare Products
A web-based patient quality improvement and risk management system for hospitals

One of the largest medical and biotechnology resource and reference portals on the Internet

A consumer healthcare information portal

HNSS Key Company Management
Mr. Michael J. Black has been President and Chief Financial Officer of Safer Shot, Inc. since March 4, 2013. Mr. Black serves as President, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of Healthnostics, Inc. He served as Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer of Safer Shot, Inc. since February 18, 2010 and also serves as its Accounting Officer. Mr. Black has been Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer of InternetArray Inc., (formerly U.S. Medsys, Corp.) since April 2008 and has been its President since June 20, 2008. Mr. Black serves as Chairman, Chief Accounting Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer of MedBioWeb Corp. He has been Treasurer and Secretary of Healthnostics since its inception on November 1, 2004. Mr. Black is the Founder of The Account Data Group, and served as its President from April 1989 to 1991. From September 16, 1994 to October 8, 2000, he held various executive positions in Integrated Healthcare Systems, Inc. and H-Quotient, Inc., (successor by merger to Integrated Healthcare Systems, Inc.) including President from January 6, 1996 to April 15, 1996, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer from September 16, 1994 to October 8, 2000, Chief Executive Officer from January 6, 1996 to November 15, 1999. From January 1991 to September 1994, he served with Asset Growth Partners, Inc. Mr. Black has been the Chairman of Healthnostics since January 1, 2001. He served as the Chairman of the Board of Integrated Healthcare Systems, Inc. and H-Quotient, Inc. from January 6, 1996 to November 15, 1999. He has been a Director of Safer Shot, Inc. since February 18, 2010. He has been Director of InternetArray Inc., (formerly U.S. Medsys, Corp.) since June 20, 2008. He serves as Director of Healthnostics and MedBioWeb Corp. Mr. Black holds a B.S. in Management and Accounting from the University of Maryland in 1994.

HNSS Contact Info
Healthnostics, Inc.
626C Admiral Drive #141
Annapolis, MD 21401

Phone: 410-295-3388

HNSS SEC Filings

HNSS Headlines

$IALS -InterActive Leisure Systems, Inc.

$IALS Company Overview and Description
Interactive Leisure Systems, Inc. (OTC IALS) is a technology company specializing in the travel industry. The company intends to purchase an enterprise software platform for the marketing, sale and management of travel product and to use this platform to operate three distinct businesses.

Those businesses are:
1) Licensing the travel system to travel businesses who require the company’s state of the art platform to operate their business in today’s interconnected and increasingly mobile connected marketplace;

2) use this platform to operate its own private label travel businesses for those entities who want a complete turnkey solution to their travel distribution needs, not just a technology solution; and

3) to offer the combined products of its customers as well as additional travel products to affinity groups who wish to provide their employees/members/associates with a comprehensive travel program.

By using one platform to in effect operate three distinct businesses IALS will be able to maximize its investment in a technology platform and minimize the risk that a downturn in any one of its business areas will significantly affect the company’s overall earnings.


$IALS Key Company Management
President – Private Label Travel/International Travel Brands

*Led the operation of $30 million multi brand tour company
*Responsible for 60 person inbound call center.
*Oversaw the implementation of a new tour operator system with an on line booking engine
*Acquired three tour operator businesses specializing in golf, ski and Italian vacations.

Vice President Systems Development – Classic Vacations Group

*Led evaluation project to select and implement a new enterprise system for the company
*Personally analyzed and reviewed seven finalist systems.

Vice President – DER Travel Services, USA

*Took company from $500,000 loss to $600,000 profit in one year.
*Implemented plan to change reservations from 100% voice to 50% electronic & 50% voice.
*Responsible for 100 person, $120 million, multi product, inbound call center.
*Responsible for Reservations, Information Technology, *Documentation, Distribution, Customer Service, Training, Product Maintenance & Web Site.

President – McTravel

*Founded nation’s first discount travel agency.
*Managed growth of company from startup to annual sales of over $20 million.
*Designed and implemented the systems necessary for 100% fee based operation.
*Managed marketing effort to sell “Private Label” discount travel to affinity groups.

$IALS Contact Info
InterActive Travel Systems, Inc.
A113 Enterprise House Bassingbourn RD
Stansted Airport
Essex CM241QW
United Kingdom
+44 (208) 749 2018

Phone: 011-44-207-193-9225

$IALS SEC Filings

$IALS Headlines

$IALS Products and Services
There are actually three distinct markets for IALS’s products and services. Let’s examine them one at a time.

The market for IALS’s technology solutions consists of any travel entity that needs to manage, market, combine and distribute travel products that involve travel inventory (airline seats, hotel rooms, sightseeing trips, etc.) So potentially every tour operator, visitor’s our tourist bureau, festival, convention, hotel or resort chain or remote construction project is a potential customer.

The market for IALS’s turnkey travel solutions is a subset of the market for the technology market and consists of entities included in the technology market that do not wish to operate the business for which they need an IALS technology solution. This market consists primarily of tourist and visitors bureaus, trade shows and conventions, sporting events remote construction projects and affinity groups.

The market for affinity group travel programs consists of any organization that wishes to offer its employees/members/affiliates a comprehensive travel program

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