The Tranzbyte Corporation now becomes a driving force behind OneBode International, Altitude Organix, and the YO!21 Debit Card. The company continues its plan to acquire, hold, or spin out successful divisions in what has been described in previous news releases as "dividend farming," Subsidiary companies that qualify and decide to become public on their own can expect Tranzbyte's continued support throughout the entire process.
In 2013, Tranzbyte acquired OneBode Holdings - a nationally recognized organic supplement company. LA Laker basketball star and 2-time MVP, Steve Nash, represents the company and uses their products.
In 2003, Tranzbyte acquired ProximaRF - a leading-edge technology company that produces a line of products supporting innovative uses for RFID technology.
Tranzbyte also houses the company's 10-year-old technology division which is actively engaged in the sale of its optical media enhancement products to potential customers in the US and Asia. Products in the Tranzbyte division include FLASH Album and FlixStix-- technologies that enable distributors of optical media (CDs, DVDs, etc.) to consolidate the best features of each medium onto a single content-protected USB flash drive.
Proxima RF Technology Holding Corp. and its wholly owned operating subsidiary, ProximaRF Technology Corporation http://www.proximarf.com support a versatile and leading-edge portfolio of RFID reader, sensor tag and data logging products based on the ISO 15693 standard of high frequency (13.56Mhz) RFID.
The company has plans to increase its network of distributors and value-added resellers. With its Proxima RF line of RFID readers, sensor tags, sensor probes and data logging products.

ABOUT ALTITUDE ORGANIC CORPORATION Altitude Organix http://altitudeorganicmedicine.com/ is currently developing products within two sectors of the burgeoning medical and adult-use cannibus business. First, the company is developing what it believes will be the most advanced automated dispensary machine in the US. Altitude Organix has also developed a proprietary debit card called YO!21 which will operate on the Tranzbyte-owned BancoLibre Network. The card is designed to be accepted at participating merchants nationwide and will operate the automated dispensary machines once they are rolled out in early 2014.
ERBB Products and Services
Tranzbyte maintains several divisions and wholly owned subsidiaries including Altitude Organic Corporation: Altitude is part of the first publicly traded medical marijuana dispensary brand in the world!
ERBB developed retailing, branding and commercial cultivating strategies in conjunction with its licensed medical marijuana retail dispensaries operating under the Altitude Organic Medicine brand name.
ERBB is in the process of developing an automated vending concept that will offer its proprietary products to qualified adults around the world. The Company is also in the process of converting its recently acquired YO!21 Debit Card for use in its machines and its vendor network.
Altitude is currently targeting expansion through dispensary and caregiver managed partnerships, as well as outright acquisition in 'for-profit' medical marijuana states.
Earlier this year, Tranzbyte acquired One Bode, a nationally recognized organic supplement company. LA Laker star and 2-time MVP, Steve Nash, represents the company and uses their products.
Steve Nash stated, "I love One Bode's dedication to all natural food and plant-based products and their perseverance in sourcing the best products and formulas. It was great to find products for all aspects of life, designed for everyone -- including professional athletes. When I started using the products, I couldn't stop talking about them and had to get involved. I believe that if you want your body to be everything it can be -- naturally -- show it how with One Bode."
Tranzbyte also manages the following divisions/subsidiaries: Proxima RF and the YO!21 Debit Card. ProximaRF, a leading-edge technology company, produces a line of products supporting innovative uses for RFID technology. Tranzbyte houses the company's 10-year old technology division which is actively engaged in the sale of its optical media enhancement products to potential customers in the US and Asia.
Products include FLASHAlbum and FlixStix technologies that enable distributors of optical media to consolidate the best features of each medium onto a single content-protected USB flash drive.
As if there were not enough recent developments to be excited about here, One Bode recently entered an agreement with Golden State Brokerage to supply its network of stores in the Northern California area with the company's full line of nutritional supplements. For over 20 years, Golden Gate has been serving area retailers with the highest quality natural food products.
ERBB Key Company Management
Mr. David G. Gwyther has been Chief Executive Officer of Tranzbyte Corporation since November 10, 2011 and serves as its President. Mr. Gwyther has been Chief Financial Officer, Principle Accounting Officer, Treasurer and Secretary at Tranzbyte Corporation January 6, 2012. Mr. Gwyther's main focus involves investor and corporate relations and the development of a working plan to monetize Tranzbyte's current technology assets held within its Tranzbyte division. He serves as Director of Tranzbyte Corporation.
ERBB Contact Info
Tranzbyte Corp
1221 W. Warner Road
Suite 103
Tempe, AZ 85284
Website: http://www.tranzbyte.com
Phone: 480-443-1600
Email: davidgwyther@tranzbyte.com
ERBB SEC Filings
ERBB Headlines
Investigate more about ERBB @ http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/ERBB/quote for more due diligence.
ERBB’s interest in the cannabis market could place them in the right place at the right time. There could be immense potential for ERBB in one of the fastest growing markets in the US:
-Approximately 2.3M Americans ingest medical cannabis daily
Medical Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the U.S.
-Each year an estimated 80Mn Americans go on a diet and are spending over 50Bn
-A 2005 UN report put the total value of the world's marijuana market at 141.8B
-Prescription cannabis now available in 18 states and Washington, D.C., and with 11 more states considering legislation to legalize it for medical use the growth potential in this market is absolutely enormous.
-Just a few weeks ago, US Attorney General Eric Holder, announced that the Federal Government will allow states to make their own reasonable marijuana laws without federal interference, putting to rest any of the few doubters that still question the legitimacy or lasting power of Medical Marijuana.
ERBB expects to continue its plan to acquire, hold or spin out successful divisions in what has been described in previous news releases as "dividend farming."

$ERBB news just out!!! Tranzbyte and Its Subsidiary, Altitude Organix, Target Their YO!21 Virtual Card Toward Medical and Adult-Use Marijuana Dispensaries Nationwide http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tranzbyte-subsidiary-altitude-organix-target-123000023.html via