LifeApps Digital Media Inc. is a digital media company focusing on health, fitness, sports publications, and next-generation social networks. The company is a leading, authorized developer, publisher and licensee for Apple iOS - iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad - and Android tablets on Google Play and Kindle Fire and Androids via Amazon Mobile Marketplace. Health, fitness and sports enthusiasts can benefit from the expertise of top-tier sports physicians, performance fitness trainers and professional athletes through LifeApps(R) multi-sport and fitness publications and mobile apps. These subject matter experts create the skills, drills and workouts that are featured in the family of LifeApps(R) Digital Media products and publications.
For more information about LifeApps, please visit: http://www.lifeappsmedia.com

LFAP Products and Services
LifeApps® is a digital publisher, delivering a cross-platform suite of products and services that are focused on enthusiast health, fitness and sports topics. Our products are differentiated in the way we motivate and enable the integration of fitness into a consumer’s rapidly adopted digital lifestyle with pre-existing areas of health, fitness and sports interest. As a result, our products deliver topically focused content covering news, performance training, healthy diet, fitness equipment, sports medicine, and healthy lifestyle entertainment to consumers on their preferred media consumption device.
Our publications and tutorials are delivered through websites, smartphones, tablets and will branch out into smart TV and entertainment center devices in the near future. LifeApps® has a multimarket strategy that incorporates web, mobile, social media and internet TV to engage consumers in multiple areas of interest including medical, yoga, golf, tennis, running, soccer, cycling, etc. LifeApps® has a library of available app titles on the Apple App Store, including the all new tablet magazine YouWorkout (also available on Android Tablets and Kindle Fire).
LFAP Key Company Management
Robert Gayman has been a leader in the development and commercialization of software for over 20 years. The majority of his career has been dedicated to the technology sector, focusing on emerging technologies in such fields as interactive gaming and mobile devices. Robert’s background includes sales management positions at several top gaming companies including: SONY Computer Entertainment of America, where he directed sales activities to the company’s top tier accounts including Best Buy, Target and Walmart. In 2000 Robert founded Dolphin Interactive, a successful consulting sales/marketing firm for technology and computer software companies. He has provided consultancy services to start-ups and to Fortune 500 companies.
LFAP Contact Info
LifeApps Digital Media Inc.
10636 Scripps Summit Court
Suite 166
San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: 858-245-5179
LFAP SEC Filings
LFAP Headlines
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$LFAP news! Subsidiary Sports One Group Adds Revenue and Increases Customer Base Through New Product Lines http://finance.yahoo.com/news/lifeapps-digital-media-inc-subsidiary-130000333.html